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Why should the module power supply be tested for aging


Before the module power supply leaves the factory, it often goes through rigorous tests, including high and low temperature tests. The modular power supply that has undergone high and low temperature tests can ensure the quality of goods, reduce the probability of abnormalities and increase the service life of customers in the whole process of application. Although the module power supply just out of the production line can be applied immediately, many goods are not used until they reach customers at that time. This is due to the simple plug-in detection in the processing process, and there is no long-term plug-in detection in a different natural environment.

Most of the common faults of module power supply products occur in the early and middle and late stages. The manufacturer cannot accurately operate the middle and late stages, so only the early stage of operation is available. Before handing over the goods to the customers, the problems should be eliminated in advance before delivery.

There are two key embrittlement methods of modular power supply: normal warm temperature load embrittlement and high-temperature plug-in high-temperature and low-temperature test. The common one is high-temperature embrittlement. High temperature embrittlement can expose the shortcomings or poor quality of commodity components, thereby improving the reliability and credibility of commodities.

The high-temperature embrittlement of module power supply refers to the natural environment of high-temperature application of simulated goods. The high-temperature and low-temperature test time is usually specified as 12-48 hours. There are two high-temperature embrittlement steps, which are set in a high-temperature natural environment, plug-in embrittlement. This kind of shock module power supply is used in high-temperature natural environment with more extreme natural environment standards.

Function of high and low temperature test of module power supply:

1. When the power module is embrittled, the monitor on the computer can be used to see the statistical data of the power supply under the working attitude, which reflects the application status of the power supply.

2. Long term embrittlement can monitor the change of module characteristics with temperature change.

3. During embrittlement, the problems in the processing of power supply can be checked.

4. During embrittlement, the module can operate stably for a long time, which improves the credibility of goods.

Generally, in the whole process of high and low temperature test, the application of power supply is more extreme and the specification is more stringent than the natural environment that people usually use. Only such detection can reflect the credibility of the module power supply, and it is the module power supply manufacturer that ensures the product quality