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East Timor There are three elements in the procurement of DCDC conversion module(1)


There are three elements in the procurement of DCDC conversion module, East Timor and the noise should not be too large

In order to improve the work efficiency of enterprises, provide the performance of enterprise products, and gain a firm foothold in the market, many enterprises now use DCDC conversion module in mechanical products to ensure that the equipment will work without any problems. However, when it comes to the procurement of DCDC conversion module, experts say there are three elements that companies must be aware of.

(6) For the module power supply, some manufacturers have a fixed resistance directly connected to the adjustable terminal (ADJ) from the factory. When using, the user must configure a potentiometer with the corresponding resistance value to replace the fixed resistance. However, it should be noted that when the adjustable terminals are in an open state, loading is never allowed.
(7) In order to achieve sufficient heat dissipation, the module power supply should be installed in a location with better air convection. Generally, when the working current of the linear power supply is above 4A, or the working current of the switching power supply is above 7A, forced air cooling should be installed. In addition, no other items are allowed on the module power supply housing.
(8) The module power supply is generally suitable for resistive-based loads. If it needs to be applied to capacitive-based or inductive-based loads, it should be explained in the order contract in advance and customized by the manufacturer.

1. The noise should not be too loud.

AC-DC power module

Noise pollution has always been a major problem for manufacturers. In the early days, machinery and equipment would generate a lot of noise during work, which would affect the health of employees. According to the senior human resources department, it is very difficult to recruit workers at the moment. With the rise of Internet recruiting, it is easier for people to find jobs, but we are reluctant to work in production. If businesses cannot address noise pollution, they may not even find workers. After all, people these days take their health very seriously.